[Mageia-discuss] Mageia-discuss [LOGO]

atilla ontas tarakbumba at gmail.com
Sat Sep 25 21:47:36 CEST 2010

2010/9/25 Adrian Marcinkowski <amfidiusz at gmail.com>:
> W dniu 2010-09-25 20:18, André Machado pisze:
>>    Logo doesn't need have Mageia word or M letter, but need be
>>    something that people look and associate with distro. See Apple
>>    logo: there is no Apple word or A letter, but when we look for that
>>    stylized frui, we know that is talking about Steve Job's company.
> I can't agree with you. It's not the logo that makes a product recognizable
> but the product itself. And it doesn't matter if it contains the brand name
> or first letter in it - if the product is of a great quality, people will
> remember both a name and a logo.

Mandriva Turkiye admin Emir created some logos for Mageia. You can
look at them on

Btw, i like mageia1 logo. Also blue and yellow fit together very well.

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