[Mageia-discuss] origin of the name "mageia"?

Hoyt Duff hoytduff at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 01:55:12 CEST 2010

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Florian Hubold <doktor5000 at arcor.de> wrote:
>  Am 23.09.2010 14:33, schrieb Wolfgang Bornath:
>> Yes, of course, I was in generalising mode (many US Americans seem to
>> think that all Germans run around in Lederhosen, drinking beer and
>> eating Sauerkraut, listening to Blaskapelle and singing about
>> Gemütlichkeit).

Those I see on TV are drinking beer. But most Germans I see on US TV
are beer-drinking sausage-eating WW!!-vintage soldiers with British
accents, so reality is not heavily involved in any perception.


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