[Mageia-discuss] Other logo proposal

andré andr55 at laposte.net
Tue Sep 28 17:13:40 CEST 2010

Binary Trance a écrit :
> Hi Wayne
> 2010/9/28 Wayne Sallee <Wayne at waynesallee.com 
> <mailto:Wayne at waynesallee.com>>
>     I think it's too large of a logo (when you include all the lines),
>     and it's too hard to understand the name.
>     The line pattern might make a good desktop design.
> I just another proposal no more no less, the idea was thinking on a 
> bootsplash concept, and the logo precisely
> runs on transgession of the interpretation of the name :) its 
> absolutely intentional :)
> anyway theres a lot of option, and as i said, just for the pleasrure 
> for share things...
that's why we're all here :)
>         http://mageia.posterous.com/my-first-post-and-logo-proposal
>         Namaste
>         Pablo Barrera
It looks really nice for a splash screen ...
The colours are really nice too.
Some suggestions ...
For a logo, how about just taking the "mageia / linux as in freedom" part.
To make it more readable, drop the G to its normal vertical position 
(with descender). The G and E can still be mirror images, although I 
would make them closer to a traditional E, and corresponding traditional 
G form.  (That is, a G with an open descender.)  The E would still be 
oversized, but that would be part of its charme.
Like that, "linux" would have to be to the left of the G, "as in 
freedom" to the right.
So that could be the full logo.
Dropping "linux" and "as in freedom" could be a reduced logo.
And including only the stylised GE could be the icon version.
All versions would still look good in black and white, and would scale 
nicely. (Following the Mageia logo guidelines.)

Please try it, I'd like to see if it would really work.
Good luck :)

my 2 cents
- andré

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