[Mageia-discuss] Suggestions

Wayne Sallee Wayne at WayneSallee.com
Mon Oct 25 14:52:58 CEST 2010

Luca Berra wrote on 10/25/2010 02:16 AM:
> The reason why we prefer a bugzilla ticket is not due to sadism versus
> the end user, it is because we know it won't get lost.
> Sometimes when i get an email with a suggestion i even open a bugzilla
> ticket and assign it to myself.
> L.

On a similar note, I think that we should have icons in Mageia that take 
users directly to file a bug report, since newbees don't know where to 
go to file a bug report, having such icons for them will help get more 
people involved.

Everything that we can do to guide people in the right direction will 
help improve community involvement.

So the first step is guiding people where to go to file bug reports. In 
that line of thought, packagers, when they are e-mailed, and respond 
telling people to file a bug report, would be good to include a link to 
bugzilla in the e-mail as standard practice.

So the first step would be to guide people in filing bug reports, and 
then the next step would be guiding people into participating in other 
ways. So the easier we can make it for people to find themselves helping 
out, the better Mageia community we will have.

Instead of waiting for people to volunteer, we should guide them in the 
direction they should go.

Wayne Sallee
Wayne at WayneSallee.com

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