[Mageia-discuss] Suggestions

andre999 andr55 at laposte.net
Wed Oct 27 20:44:31 CEST 2010

Frank Griffin a écrit :
> Maarten Vanraes wrote:
>> i put him on Mandriva for a while now; and he's the type that doesn't know
>> much about computers, but likes to experiment a little, and install and try
>> some programs; since he never uses konsole; in the past he's installed quite
>> some programs that he couldn't find in the menu.
>> He did mention that he found it odd that there were less programs, (he
>> remembered there being more programs), but they were almost all locatable in
>> the menu, and i specifically remember him mentioning this to me.
> The menu structure is a different problem.  There is no reason why "not
> GUI" should equal "not in the menus".  For my money, if I deliberately
> install a program I want to see it in the menu whether it's GNOME, KDE,
> or CLI.

Exactly.  If a CLI program is not used regularly, it is easy to forget 
the exact spelling or syntax if it's not in the menu, even for a 
programmer like myself.
So I add almost all programs installed to the menu, if missing.
A lot of CLI programs have internal menus, and thus are readily usable 
by even novice users.

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