[Mageia-discuss] what aabout an automated way of doing it?

andre999 andr55 at laposte.net
Fri Oct 29 04:12:49 CEST 2010

Dj Marian a écrit :
> i´ve got mdv lxde... i was just saying that it would be great to make 
> the program guess what the user wants to find, save what the user 
> usually uses, and by that pattern the next time the user searches 
> would find what he would be most likely looking for. And just in case 
> he is not satisfied, a button to show more or less results.

If you do an upgrade, it starts with all your existing applications.
If you are doing a new install, of course you have to select the type of 
install, etc.
What isn't clear is on what basis a program would guess what you would 
want ?
It can't read your mind.
If you do updates, only updates for packages already installed will be 
According to your selections, the updates offered could be security, 
(other) correctives, (other) general updates, backports, or all updates.
As well, whenever you select a package to install, by default all 
dependant packages not already installed will be selected for install.  
If for some reason the requested package or any of its dependancies is 
not available, the install will abort.  Although this default could be 
changed, it is highly inadvisable.
How would Rpmdrake know that you want it to "guess" what you are looking 
for, and how would that be any better than entering search text ?

- André

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