[Mageia-discuss] User made a negative Mageia review
Wolfgang Bornath
molch.b at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 22 18:35:36 CET 2011
2011/2/22 André Machado <afmachado at dcemail.com>:
> I'm bringing to you a Mageia Alpha 1 review posted on
> http://www.tvieira.net/linux/uma-olhada-rapida-no-mageia-alpha-1/ (english
> version:
> http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=pt-BR&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=pt&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tvieira.net%2Flinux%2Fuma-olhada-rapida-no-mageia-alpha-1%2F
> )
> Basically, blogger states that "As you can see the images above, the mageia does
> not have its own identity, because what struck me is a Mandriva kernel with a
> newer and different repositories (as their own repositories mageia uses), I know
> it's still a lot of Alpha things will change, but I was disappointed with the
> mageia so far. [...] I sincerely hope that will change the very mageia, because
> if you walk the way that this will have no reason to use the mageia instead of
> Mandriva ..."
Yes, we DID tell everybody that it is a not-for-use and not-for-review
alpha version. But as people are, we could not avoid such "reviews".
The very first comment already said all there is to say (translation by Google):
"The staff of mageia made it clear that the objective of this first
alpha was to leave things running: Install, boot, repositories are set
up and working."
"After that everything is round, they will begin to implement their
ideas. And, thankfully, as they themselves said, the MCC will remain
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