[Mageia-discuss] Linux is a KERNEL not an OS

Richard Couture rrc at linuxcabal.org
Wed Mar 2 05:29:09 CET 2011

Throughout the pages at www.Mageia.org there are references to Linux as 
if it is an OS or a distribution, which in my opinion not only robs the 
people of the GNU ṕroject of the credit for the great operating system 
that they have developed and maintain, but also is a great way for us to 
wave our flag of ignorance.

How come we don't call Windows  NTLDR.EXE in a like manner that we are 
calling GNU Linux.

It is my opinion that we are being EXTREMELY Politically incorrect and 
that we should correct ourselves now before it becomes an impossible 
project. ( Logos, posters, decals, Web Pages, promo material )

The Operating system being included in the Mageia distro is called GNU 
which is often, but not always used with the Linux Kernel as well as 
many other excellent FOSS programs.

We should be touting the Mageia Distro of GNU, Linux and assorted FOSS 
programs. NOT Mageia Linux. Let's do it right.


LinuxCabal Asociación Civil
Ing. Richard Couture
HP/Compaq ASE
Tel.: (+52) (333) 145-2638
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