[Mageia-discuss] Linux is a KERNEL not an OS

andre999 andr55 at laposte.net
Thu Mar 24 23:40:34 CET 2011

Thierry Vignaud a écrit :
> On 3 March 2011 01:50, Michael Scherer<misc at zarb.org>  wrote:
>> The gnu project provided lots of software, some quite unavoidable like a
>> compiler, a standard library, or stuff like screen, gettext and slightly
>> low level tools ( binutils, coreutils, etc ).
> Yes but on the other hand:
> - libc was forked, then merged back in glibc (and is now mainly
> maintained by RH).
>    (And there's eglibc fork too)
> -  gcc/binutils have concurrents: clang, llvm, ... (not yet at the
> same level but still...)
>     Same story: egcs fork, then "merged" back
> whereas it's trut it was important what stallman and the fsf did, by
> now, most important
> pieces of the OS are no more provided by the GNU project itself:
> - the kernel,
> - several shells,
> - all the graphical stack,
> - most server softwares, ...
> - Even at the lowest leve: udev, hal, ...
> GNU project was important, but it's not the biggest part of a Linux distro.
> Else shouldn't we be named "GNU/KDE/GNOME/FreeDesktop/.../ Mageia Linux"?

and don't forget Posix :)


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