[Mageia-discuss] sysadmin tools and closed-source video drivers

Thomas Backlund tmb at mageia.org
Tue Apr 26 20:26:41 CEST 2011

tis 2011-04-26 klockan 21:19 +0300 skrev Fred Obermann:
> Two of the reasons I have stuck with Mandriva for many years were:
> Sysadmin-tools:
> I found the mandriva-control-center to  be really much easier than
> using command-line utilities for things like:
>     package-management
>     video card/monitor configuration
>     daemon-management
> The mcc video configuration was especially nice when I'd take a
> computer between locations and plug it into different monitors.
> Video Drivers:
> During installation, the latest AMD/ATI or Nvidia proprietary drivers
> were installed (with powerpack), and I didn't have to download them
> from their respective vendors in another step.

We dont have powerpack

> So.......
> To what extent is the mandriva-control-center (or duplicate
> funtionality) going to be included in mageia?

We have the same control-center

> Will magia include AMD and Nvidia proprietary dirvers be included in
> the distribution?

They are already on the mirrors in the nonfree section


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