[Mageia-discuss] Linux Application table for MAGEIA 1

Macxi terraagua at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 21:54:50 CEST 2011


I updated the Linux Application table for MAGEIA 1 ( 
software-2011-en.html ),  in english and portuguese,  and added the link of 
the site Mageia App DB ,   Sophie.zarb.org  and "Linux Packages Search" 
(bottom of the page). 

Topic in Mageia Forum:

For those who want to find the table later, It's linked in wiki MageiaBrasil 
and page of Software Table.

If someone wants to create a table with other software or to another distro, 
just copy file and folder icons and edit in Kompozer. It's easy to edit.

Note 1: If anyone wants to add some other free software that is interesting in 
the table, just tell that I add.

Note 2: In my opinion, I think it important an easy and simple presentation to 
find linux software, especially for beginners, as shown in the article "Top 100 
of the Best (Useful) OpenSource Applications" (2008) of Ubuntu Linux Help 

In March 2011, the author of the text made in 2008, said in new text "More 
Useful Open Source Applications 2011":

"As of today, it has been viewed over 1.8 million times. Still, one of the 
more common questions I get asked by new Linux users, revolves around the 
subject "What application do I use for..."

In MandrivaBrasil Forum, a topic "Found an great program? Tell us!" (in 
portuguese: "Descobriu um programa legal? Conta pra gente!") has been read 
21209 times (one of the topics with more discussions and visits of the Forum 

I think there is already a lot of quality software, but it is not easy for 
many users find an appropriate application to their needs. 

I made this table only as suggestion. The ideal, in my opinion, is a database 
online with applications to Mageia, such as Linux Packages Search site, but 
only for Mageia packages and with format of "Mageia Software Manager", of 
"Control Center Mageia-CCM", to access for everyone who wanted to know or 
looking for some software (not to install, only to seek,  Mageia App DB is a 
good example).

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