[Mageia-discuss] I'd like to start to discuss the possibility of having one language per iso when it comes to full DVD-versions, similar to the Live-versions.

Kristoffer Grundström kristoffer.grundstrom1983 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 17:41:05 CEST 2011

2011-09-14 11:51, Buchan Milne skrev:
> On Wednesday, 14 September 2011 10:32:32 nicolas vigier wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Sep 2011, Kristoffer Grundström wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> A long time have I wondered why a Swedish man/woman would want to have
>>> more languages on his/her iso to install just Swedish as language.
> What is the benefit to removing a language one particular user doesn't need?
> What is the cost (to other users who may need locales).
> Note that languages are a specific problem, due to how initial installation of
> the distribution is different to package installation (it is more difficult to
> add languages post-install exactly the same as if you had selected them during
> install, compared to how easy it is to add more packages that you didn't
> select or weren't available during installation).
>>> I'm therefor opening a discussion to perhaps solve this little proposal
>>> that I've got.
>>> Look at the Live-iso's that we have to offer, they come with 16 languages
>>> each.
>>> Lets think for a second that a user doesn't want to install a Live-system
>>> &  to use a large iso with unnessecary languages is out of question.
> Maybe we should go back to *why* there are multiple live images with subsets
> of languages. It is *not* so the user has the convenience of not choosing
> their language, but because it is difficult to have a "complete" enough system
> catering to most use cases in under 700MB that supports all the languages. So
> for example, the choice is to drop LibreOffice, or only support a few
> languages per ISO.
> If the software for a good default install would fit on
>>> How does he/she solve it to install Mageia?
>>> My idea is that we transform the full-DVD iso to one-language only, but
>>> more iso's in the end.
> So, it is your opinion that>90% of the users use more than ~ 60% of the
> software that will fit on a DVD ISO (without any other languages)?
> Maybe you should start off with your proposal of what these packages are that
> are so important to be included on 100 DVD ISOs.
>>> Like this:
>>> mageia-dvd-1-i586.iso in a language-dir under
>>> ftp://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/mageia/iso/1/
>>> The result is that you shrink the DVD much&  you can add other stuff that
>>> doesn't fit in the ordinary DVD's for some reason.......perhaps add more
>>> drivers.
>> Yes, but you will get an iso with unnessecary drivers. And unnessecary
>> applications. Maybe we can make ISOs with only one language, one driver
>> and one application ?
> It starts to sound like it should just be a custom live image made with
> draklive ...
> Why stop there? What about variations for authentication libraries (e.g., some
> people may not want *any* LDAP in their system)? In this case, we may want to
> have versions of the packages built without LDAP support. Same for PAM (like
> Slackware). Same for databases. Maybe one without any php? One for python-
> haters (let's hope they don't have HP printers)?
> Maybe a Gentoo-based system that compiles the whole distro with the selected
> features and genearates an ISO. But, then, why generate the ISO, updates would
> have to be customised anyway.
> It seems you have come up with a solution to a problem that either does not
> exist, or that you have not been able to communicate, with significant costs
> on *everyone* involved in the distribution, with no motivated benefits.
> Regards,
> Buchan
I have looked at when Windows 7 gets installed & then I came to 
wonder........if you choose Swedish as language to install, why do you 
have to install a language-pack when you're already using the language? 
I've also check in the folder for languages in C:\ & I see more 
languages than I've choosen to install or intend to use. They just use 
alot of space on my drive. Is that fair on all OS'es?

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