[Mageia-discuss] Sun java updates must now be downloaded and installed manually.

Thorsten van Lil tvl83 at gmx.de
Wed Nov 23 09:56:24 CET 2011

Am 23.11.2011 09:33, schrieb Oliver Burger:
> Am Mittwoch, 23. November 2011, 09:22:03 schrieb Alejandro López:
>> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 1:32 AM, D.Morgan<dmorganec at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Why ?  openjdk is good enough to replace oracle java.
>>> and soonish we will have java7 too in mageia so i really don't see now
>>> the need of the closed source one.
>> Everything you said is true, but let me disagree with your question. Why
>> not? Some users might prefer Oracle's java, while others might rather use
>> OpenJDK. As long as there are volunteers for maintaining both packages, why
>> shou;d it be one or the other? Why not providing both?
> let me answer this from another perspective.
> Mageia is an OpenSource project. So it should be our main goal to promote
> OpenSource software.
> So why should we bother to promote Oracle Jave by creating a workarround in
> our packaging system, when they are clearly moving away from the OpenSource
> community?

Because the users expect to have it in the repositories. It may be used 
against Mageia, if it is not in there (as for flash, proprietary 
drivers, ...).
Where do we want to draw the line, as we did the same for skype?

We propagate the repositories as one main advantage of Linux. Everything 
is in one trusted source. No more seeking and downloading somewhere in 
the web from several sites. Automated updates. How should the uninformed 
and lazy user understand, that we didn't provide at least a "get-java" 


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