[Mageia-discuss] UEFI and Secure Boot

Maurice Batey maurice at bcs.org.uk
Tue Aug 14 17:43:22 CEST 2012

On Tue, 14 Aug 2012 15:48:08 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:

> I don't want to disable secure boot for windows - I want to be able
> to dual-boot knowing that windows is as secure as it can be. 

 First and foremost I want to disable Secure Boot so that I continue to
use my computer the way I have always used it.
      As I have no interest in Windows 8 (which is essentially Windows
7 with some non-desktop gimmicks tacked on), I would continue with
using (non-UEFI) Windows 7 on one occasion each year (to compile the
family DVD), leaving Secure Boot firmly off.

Even if, eventually, I had to move on to Windows 9 or whatever with
Secure Boot on, I would tolerate enabling Secure Boot once a year as
before., then back to Disabled for normal life under Linux.

> I'm
> afraid that for linux distros I'll be following your rule - if it
> doesn't give me access to suitable keys so that I can dual-boot
> securely, I'll change my distro.

  If you would be continually switching between Windows 8 and Linux
then I would understand the reluctance to have to keep
enabling/disabling Secure Boot to do so, and  switching to a
distro that will load under Secure Boot (e.g. Fedora, Ubuntu, SUSE)
would avoid that.

I look forward to reading accounts of efforts to install Windows 8 as
a guest on VirtualBox under Linux...


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