[Mageia-discuss] RATHER URGENT: Restaurant reservation limit for FOSDEM Saturday Night (READ THIS, even if you're unsure yet)

Maarten Vanraes alien at rmail.be
Sun Jan 15 12:14:32 CET 2012


me and eatdirt are looking into good restaurants for us to reserve for the 
Saturday evening dinner.

To facilitate us in this task, I would ask that everyone who _MAYBE_ will 
come, to note yourself on the wiki page: 

(also you can still help for stands, if you're up for it)

NOTE: it's easier to reserve for X people and later tell restaurant there's 
gonna be X-4 people. so IF there is a *chance* that you'll be there, _PLEASE_ 
note yourself on the wiki.

Thanks in advance & See you then,


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