[Mageia-discuss] Pronunciation

andre999 andre999mga at laposte.net
Wed Feb 22 19:12:20 CET 2012

imnotpc a écrit :
> On 02/20/2012 10:22 AM, Oliver Burger wrote:
>> Am 20.02.2012 15:53, schrieb imnotpc:
>>> As a native English speaker the 'magic' pronunciation is more 
>>> natural to
>>> me, but then again there are a lot of words that are butchered when
>>> pronounced using English rules (pretty much anything in French for
>>> example).
>>> Jeff
>> That's why it was explicitely said, "pronounce it as you like".
>> For English speakers it's like in "magic", for Germans like in 
>> "garden", for French like the "sh" in "bash" and so on.
>> Fir the greek (and Mageia is a greek word) it's different again, but 
>> I don't know, an English word with a similar pronounciation :)
>> Oliver
> I really like that. It's a very inclusive, international way of 
> viewing things. Another way Mageia is different from many other projects.
> Jeff
Actually, in English "ge" is often pronounced like a soft j, as in 
French, like the second g in garage, or the g in mirage.  (Phonetically 
represented by "z".)  (The usual prononciation in canadian English, 
although in the U.S. it would be often/usually? pronounced like a hard j 
or usual soft g, phonetically represented by "dz")
So for me, the natural prononciation (in approx. phonetic notation) for 
Mageia in English is "ma-ze-i-a" with the stress on the second syllable 
(much as in French), although it would often be pronounced "ma-dze-i-a" 
in English, similar to the usual prononciation of magic ("ma-dzik").

Of course, other languages may have other ways of pronouncing Mageia :)


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