[Mageia-discuss] Ripping to mp3

Oliver Burger oliver.bgr at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 12 18:57:00 CEST 2012

Am 12.06.2012 17:37, schrieb Anne Wilson:
> Hash: SHA1
> I have an audio CD that I want to rip to mp3.  My favourite ripper is
> grip, but I can't get the configuration right.  I have installed the
> fluendo mp3 codec (it seemed to install, anyway).
We do have fluendo codecs? That's kind of new to me.

> I don't recall
> having to do anything more than that in the past.  Am I still missing
> a package?
You do have the tainted repos enabled and lame installed?

What about using soundkonverter?


Oliver Burger aka obgr_seneca

Mageia contributor

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