[Mageia-i18n] Authoring on translated articles of blog

Romain d'Alverny rdalverny at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 12:49:15 CEST 2010

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 23:53, Wolfgang Bornath <molch.b at googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2010/10/26 Catalin Florin RUSSEN <cfrussen at yahoo.co.uk>:
>> I'd love that when a message is posted on the English blog (known as the
>> original source), to be automatically copied in the other languages sections
>> too. We'd simply just have then to edit the post and translate it. I don't know
>> if it's possible, but it'll be easier and will boost the translation teams a
>> little to update their localized blog section.
> I suggested this earlier and AFAIK this is under review by the techies
> (Romain?).

Yes, somehow. Still to be discussed. I already wrote a quick script to
show side-by-side recent posts of each blog, to spot differences. It
should grow up with a notification of the most recent posts in each
blog, and maybe notifying as well the blogteam.

It could be used to automatically copy a new post as a draft into all
other blogs, however there are requirements/warnings to that,
especially that all translators should (or must, actually) rewrite
their post URL (that would be in English otherwise). Maybe other
points to make, not sure yet.

I'll post this script somewhere by the end of the week (svn and
website; Damien has a copy of it).

> But I understand if it is not on top of the list :)

We'll make a list of what's not on top of the list /o\ :-)


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