[Mageia-i18n] How to commit translations?

Oliver Burger burger at webgis.de
Mon Apr 4 15:18:17 CEST 2011

Am Montag 04 April 2011, 15:09:16 schrieb Franklin Weng:
> Okay, so you mean that we don't need to really "mark" the file as okay or
> not.
> The scripts are not able to distinguish if a file is okay or not, it will
> just automatically submit all the files.  Right?
The script will, when it's finished, take those files from Tx and commit them to 
svn you tell it.
The syntax will be something like "scriptName -i resourceName".
Tx doesn't give us the possibility to mark files as "o.k. for commiting or 
not". That's why we couldn't use a direct connection to svn.

And please be patient: I know, loads of things are not perfect, but we have to 
make this work with the people and time we have. Perhaps we will find better 
solutions in the future (aka after Mga1 release) :D


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