[Mageia-i18n] Overall translation advancement in Transifex

Catalin Florin RUSSEN cfrussen at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 7 23:11:23 CEST 2011

Dear all,

I'd played a little with a test project on Transifex.net and I saw that if you 
add a release you can see the overall translation advancement.
I've also added few languages and when you click on the release details you see 
each language overall translations and you have the possibility to see the 
overall translation per resource in each language also.

This notion of release is a powerful thing and can impose deadline dates for the 

Also, I saw that for each project you can add a link to a wiki, for instance, 
where one will find the translation guidelines or other useful information 
related to the translation process (like a wiki master page, for instance).

What do you think?

 Best regards,
Florin Catalin RUSSEN
Romanian Translation Team

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