[Mageia-i18n] Translation request

Remco Rijnders remco at webconquest.com
Wed Feb 16 17:58:23 CET 2011

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:43:57AM +0100, Oliver Burger wrote:
>CatDap (the account registration tool at identity.mageia.org) needs
>translations in those languages not already done.
>And those already done need to be reworked, since there were some
>changes to the strings.
>You can find the pot and po files in the mageia svn:
>If you would send the translated po files back to this list, I can
>commit them to svn.

Hi Oliver,

Please find attached the Dutch translation.

Kind regards,

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# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-16 17:51+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Remco Rijnders <remco at webconquest.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch <i18n-nl at ml.mageia.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:133
msgid "Activation"
msgstr "Activeren"

#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:28
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:24
#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:18
#: root/user/index.tt:19
#: root/user/index.tt:48
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Toevoegen"

#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:85
msgid "Add ObjectClass"
msgstr "ObjectClass toevoegen"

#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:47
msgid "Add attribute"
msgstr "Attribuut toevoegen"

#. (oc, dn)
#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:1
msgid "Adding objectclass %1 to dn %2"
msgstr "Objectclass %1 wordt toegevoegd aan dn %2"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:49
msgid "Addresses do not match"
msgstr "Adressen komen niet overeen"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:89
msgid "An account already exists with this email address"
msgstr "Er bestaat al een account met dit e-mailadres"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:94
msgid "An account already exists with this username"
msgstr "Er bestaat al een account met deze gebruikersnaam"

#. ($errors)
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:145
msgid "An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. Errors %1"
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het versturen van de e-mail, maar uw account is wel aangemaakt. Wanneer u uw correcte e-mailadres hebt opgegeven probeert u dan u paswoord te verkrijgen door middel van het \"paswoord herstel\"-proces. Fouten %1"

#. ($errors)
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:548
msgid "An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1"
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het versturen van de e-mail, maar uw account is wel aangemaakt. Wanneer u uw correcte e-mailadres (%1) hebt opgegeven probeert u dan u paswoord te verkrijgen door middel van het \"paswoord herstel\"-proces."

#. ($errors)
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:110
msgid "An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1"
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het versturen van de e-mail; Probeert u het later nogmaals. Fouten %1"

#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:9
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:8
#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:5
#: root/user/index.tt:4
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Attribuut"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:56
msgid "Cannot check /etc/passwd, please warn system administrators"
msgstr "Can /etc/password niet controleren, waarschuwt u alstublieft de systeembeheerders"

#: root/register/index.tt:29
msgid "Captcha"
msgstr "Captcha"

#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:14
#: root/user/password.tt:15
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Wijzig"

#: root/user/fake.tt:2
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Verander paswoord"

#: root/register/complete.tt:5
msgid "Check your mail for activation instructions."
msgstr "Controleer uw e-mail for activatie instructies."

#: root/forgot_password/complete.tt:5
msgid "Check your mail for password reset instructions."
msgstr "Controleer uw e-mail voor instructies om uw paswoord te resetten."

#: root/register/index.tt:24
msgid "Confirm Email address"
msgstr "Bevestig e-mailadres"

#: root/user/password.tt:5
msgid "Current password"
msgstr "Huidige paswoord"

#. (cn)
#. (entry.cn)
#: root/email/activation.tt:1
#: root/email/admin/password.tt:1
#: root/email/forgot_password.tt:1
msgid "Dear %1,"
msgstr "Beste %1,"

#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:27
#: root/user/index.tt:22
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Verwijder"

#: root/user/fake.tt:1
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Wijzig"

#: root/admin/account.tt:33
#: root/admin/account.tt:8
#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:6
#: root/register/index.tt:20
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mail"

#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:8
#: root/register/index.tt:21
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "E-mailadres"

#: root/forgot_password/complete.tt:1
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "E-mail verstuurd."

#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:2
msgid "Enter new password."
msgstr "Voer uw nieuwe paswoord in."

#: root/register/index.tt:32
msgid "Enter text"
msgstr "Voer tekst in"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:62
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:76
msgid "Error while searching for account: "
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het zoeken naar account:"

#: root/admin/account.tt:34
#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:7
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Voornaam"

#: root/register/index.tt:13
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Voornaam"

#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:2
msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr "Bent u uw paswoord kwijt?"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:98
msgid "Forgotten password"
msgstr "Paswoord kwijt"

#: root/index.tt:17
msgid "Forgotten password?"
msgstr "Paswoord kwijt?"

#: root/admin/account.tt:36
#: root/admin/account.tt:9
#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:9
msgid "Full Name"
msgstr "Volledige naam"

#: root/admin/group.tt:27
msgid "Group Name"
msgstr "Groepsnaam"

#: root/admin/group.tt:9
msgid "Group name"
msgstr "Groepsnaam"

#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:2
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Groepen"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:52
msgid "Incorrect validation text, please try again"
msgstr "Incorrecte validatietekst, probeert u het nogmaals"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:45
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:46
msgid "Invalid email address"
msgstr "Ongeldig e-mailadres"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:42
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:59
msgid "Invalid username, already used by system"
msgstr "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam, al in gebruik door het systeem"

#: root/template/header:10
#: root/user/fake.tt:3
msgid "Log out"
msgstr "Uitloggen"

#: root/index.tt:1
#: root/index.tt:13
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Inloggen"

#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:8
#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:5
#: root/user/password.tt:9
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nieuw paswoord"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:295
msgid "New passwords dont match"
msgstr "Nieuwe paswoorden komen niet overeen"

#: root/forgot_password/complete.tt:4
msgid "Operation was successful."
msgstr "Operatie succesvol voltooid."

#: root/index.tt:10
msgid "Password : "
msgstr "Paswoord :"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:289
msgid "Password incorrect"
msgstr "Paswoord incorrect"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:551
msgid "Password reset and email sent"
msgstr "Paswoord gereset en e-mail verstuurd"

#: root/register/index.tt:12
msgid "Personal Information"
msgstr "Persoonlijke informatie"

#: root/email/admin/password.tt:5
msgid "Please click below to change your password"
msgstr "Klik hier beneden om uw paswoord te wijzigen"

#: root/admin/index.tt:1
msgid "Please use the menus above."
msgstr "Gebruikt u de bovenstaande menu's."

#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:25
msgid "Primary group"
msgstr "Primaire groep"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:82
msgid "Privileged accounts may not recover passwords via this mechanism"
msgstr "Paswoorden van bevoorrechte accounts kunnen niet via dit proces herstelt worden"

#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:71
msgid "Promote"
msgstr "Promoveer"

#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:62
msgid "Promote user to posixAccount with primary group:"
msgstr "Promoveer gebruiker naar posix-account met primaire groep:"

#: root/index.tt:16
#: root/register/index.tt:3
#: root/register/index.tt:35
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registreren"

#: root/register/complete.tt:1
msgid "Registration completed"
msgstr "Registratie afgerond"

#: root/register/complete.tt:4
msgid "Registration was successful."
msgstr "Registratie was succesvol."

#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:11
#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:10
#: root/user/password.tt:12
msgid "Repeat New Password"
msgstr "Herhaal uw nieuwe paswoord"

#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:1
#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:12
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Paswoord opnieuw instellen"

#: root/admin/account.tt:22
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Zoek"

#: root/admin/account.tt:4
#: root/admin/group.tt:5
msgid "Search by"
msgstr "Zoeken op"

#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:4
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Selecteer"

#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:16
msgid "Set new password"
msgstr "Nieuw paswoord instellen"

#: root/register/check.tt:1
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Succes"

#: root/admin/account.tt:10
#: root/admin/account.tt:35
#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:8
#: root/register/index.tt:16
msgid "Surname"
msgstr "Achternaam"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:70
msgid "The first name supplied contains illegal characters"
msgstr "De opgegeven voornaam bevat niet toegestane tekens"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:75
msgid "The surname supplied contains illegal characters"
msgstr "De opgegeven achternaam bevat niet toegestane tekens"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:67
msgid "This email address is not bound to an account"
msgstr "Dit e-mailadres is niet aan een gebruikersnaam gebonden"

#: root/email/activation.tt:3
msgid "To activate your account, please follow the link below."
msgstr "Om uw account te activeren volgt u de onderstaande link."

#: root/email/forgot_password.tt:3
msgid "To reset your password, please follow the link below."
msgstr "Om uw paswoord opnieuw in te stellen volgt u de onderstaande link."

#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:35
#: root/user/index.tt:29
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Bijwerken"

#: root/admin/account.tt:32
#: root/admin/account.tt:7
#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:5
#: root/register/index.tt:7
#: root/register/index.tt:8
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"

#: root/index.tt:6
msgid "Username : "
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam :"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:65
msgid "Username is not authorized to be used"
msgstr "Deze gebruikersnaam mag niet gebruikt worden"

#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:10
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:9
#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:6
#: root/user/index.tt:4
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Waarde"

#. (c.config.organisation)
#: root/email/forgot_password.tt:2
msgid "Your %1 account has been requested to change the password. If you did not do this, or you do not want to change your password; you can just do nothing."
msgstr "Er is een paswoordwijziging aangevraagd voor uw account %1. Als u dit niet aangevraagd heeft of uw paswoord niet wilt wijzigen hoeft u geen verdere aktie te ondernemen."

#. (c.config.organisation)
#: root/email/activation.tt:2
msgid "Your %1 account has been successfully created, but requires activation."
msgstr "Uw account %1 is met succes aangemaakt maar moet nog geactiveerd worden."

#. (c.user.username)
#: root/email/admin/password.tt:3
msgid "Your password was reset by %1"
msgstr "Uw paswoord is hersteld door %1"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:61
msgid "Your session has expired"
msgstr "Uw sessie is verlopen"

#: root/admin/account.tt:15
#: root/admin/group.tt:15
msgid "contains"
msgstr "bevat"

#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:14
msgid "delete"
msgstr "verwijder"

#: root/admin/account.tt:17
#: root/admin/group.tt:17
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr "groter dan of gelijk aan"

#: root/admin/account.tt:16
#: root/admin/group.tt:16
msgid "is exactly"
msgstr "is exact"

#: root/admin/account.tt:18
#: root/admin/group.tt:18
msgid "less than"
msgstr "minder dan"

#: root/admin/group.tt:10
msgid "member"
msgstr "lid"

#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:535
msgid "password reset"
msgstr "paswoord opnieuw ingesteld"

#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:53
msgid "with value"
msgstr "met waarde"

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