[Mageia-i18n] Catalan translator

Rémi Verschelde rverschelde at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 20:39:51 CEST 2011

2011/6/2 Paul Charbonneau Cayuela <paulcharbo at gmail.com>:
> Hi there,
> Following the wiki's short guide to become a new translator I send you this
> e-mail to request to become a Catalan translator. I've seen that there is no
> Catalan translation team so I don't know which is the next step to start
> translating, so i would highly appreciate if someone could point me out,
> also, my mageia identity is mrbarman. I've never participated in Distro
> translation although I have experience in web translation and I'm very
> fluent in French, Catalan and Spanish and moderately fluent in English.
> Thanks in advance.
> Paul Charbonneau

Hi and welcome!

For the time being, you can add your name and team to this page (using
the same presentation as for the other teams).
Since you are our first Catalan translator, you are therefore the
Catalan team (a.k.a. i18n-ca, IINM) leader.

Once the sysadmins add you to the i18n LDAP group, you will have
access to our translation webtool: Transifex.

We'll have a debriefing meeting on IRC next Thursday, try to be there
to represent your team and help us finding a better translation

Rémi / Akien

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