[Mageia-i18n] Need account for Spanish blog

Aaron Mendo aaron.mendo94 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 04:40:33 CET 2012

Excuse me, I who requests access to the blog, my account is: drakon94.


2012/2/25 Damien Lallement <mageia at damsweb.net>

> Le 25/02/2012 15:48, Diego Bello a écrit :
>  Hi all,
>> I'm Jacen, coordinator of the Spanish translation group, and I need an
>> account for a new translator for the blog.
>> MichaelSOG was in charge of it but we was abducted by the real life,
>> new job, new city, etc. so we have a new translator and blog manager.
>> Who needs to get his info, email, name, nick? I don't want to post it
>> here to avoid spam ;)
>> Regards,
> Hi Jacen,
> Please send me information for the new translator.
> Please give me is "identity" account.
> Thanks,
> --
> Damien Lallement
> Treasurer of Mageia.Org
> twitter: damsweb - IRC: damsweb/coincoin
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