[Mageia-i18n] Some problems with website

Romain d'Alverny rdalverny at gmail.com
Sun Jul 29 12:02:21 CEST 2012


first a big, huge thank you again for diving into this! It's really
great to see more people grasping this Web site. :)

On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 9:08 PM, Filip Komar <filip.komar at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Why $post argument in function _t [4] append space by default? It looks a
> bit strange on some pages as on few strings there is sometimes comma after
> translated word. For example in community page.

Indeed. I did it too fast. The problem I used to have was, when doing so:

  _e('some string.');
  _h('again %s!', array('here'), 'h1');
  _e('some other string.');

To have no space after the dots.

> 2. I'll try to prepare some more pages for lang files translation system but
> some instructions for use of pa2lang.php and extract2lang.php would be very
> useful for me. Thank you for that effective, expandable and simple system.
> Doing my first page transition without any howto was really easy. Well
> except use of pa2lang.php and extract2lang.php ;).

Well, those two were quick attempts to grasp the topic. I can improve
the pa2lang.php script. As for extract2lang, I would suggest to use
Mozilla's tools instead as they are likely more mature.

> 3. Link en/contact on map page points on target which doesn't exist.

Indeed. My very fault. I started the page draft but did not fix it in
time. Adding to my todo for August.

> 4. BTW, during redirections procedure I noticed some things. Beside
> non-existent en/contact I saw some empty directories like fr/thanks, */faq
> and en/for. If you like I can remove them if you trust me on that ;).

fr/thanks and en/for are relics. You can remove them. */faq too
(outdated, not maintained, to be replaced by something else).

> I suppose and en/migrate and en/legal are still on TODO.

Yes. Although en/migrate may be removed as well.

> There is language with its code pr which is awfully outdated,

That's a relic piece too, not a language but Press Releases attempt.

As for the redirections, I'm working on a small dispatcher to handle
pages directly and avoid in the future to have to manually make

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