[Mageia-i18n] Fwd: New revisions

Filip Komar filip.komar at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 15:39:35 CET 2012

Hi Firat.

I commited them. Thanks.

On 2 November 2012 12:54, Firat Kutlu <firatkutlu at gmail.com> wrote:
> Primarily I want to see green on the ../langs/report.php page. So I revise
> it.
Did you read the note about the same strings in both languages in our
wiki[1]? Basically you should add {ok} on the end of such strings. I
already added them in community.tr.lang for Blog and Forum. I hope you
don't mind.

> I hope, You aren't bored for moved my same tr files.
I would be bored and disappointed if there wouldn't be any
contributions. So just keep sending them ;). We all learn on our way.

Have a nice day,

[1] https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Internationalisation_Team_%28i18n%29#Website_translation

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