[Mageia-sysadm] Infos about the machines

Michael Scherer misc at zarb.org
Fri Oct 8 15:37:42 CEST 2010

Le vendredi 08 octobre 2010 à 08:58 +0100, Colin Guthrie a écrit :
> 'Twas brillig, and Michael Scherer at 08/10/10 00:41 did gyre and gimble:
> > Le vendredi 08 octobre 2010 à 01:07 +0200, nicolas vigier a écrit :
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> Here is some infos about the machines we have, or we will have.
> >>
> >> Currently we have those machines available :
> >> - one dedibox server :
> >>   http://www.online.net/serveur-dedie/offre-dedibox-v3.xhtml
> >> - two gandi virtual machines, one share for each :
> >>   http://en.gandi.net/hosting/
> >>
> >> Later, we should be able to install some machines in a datacenter
> >> (thanks to rapsys). It should be at least 4 powerfull machines. Each
> >> one should have between 4 and 12 cores, 8 or 12GB of RAM, and a lot of
> >> disk space.
> >>
> >> Before we are able to setup the machines in the datacenter, we can start
> >> using the machines we already have. They are currently used for this :
> >>  - the dedibox is used to setup the forum
> >>  - the first gandi VM is used by :
> >>    * meetbot
> >>    * a temporary svn server (to host the website, and servers config)
> >>    * an ldap server (Buchan is working on it)
> >>  - the second gandi VM is not used yet, but should be used to host the
> >>    main website soon
> >>
> >> I think we can probably start soon to setup the following services :
> >>  - dns servers (one on a gandi VM, an other one on the dedibox)
> >>  - mailing list server on ml.mageia.org on the dedibox as we may need
> >>    new lists soon to organize teams. If using sympa, with users managed by
> >>    the ldap server, we need the ldap server and its web interface ready.
> >>    But we can start testing now.
> >>  - main mageia web site (on the second gandi VM)
> >>  - epoll
> >>
> >> Later, the machines in the datacenter can be used for this :
> >>  - Server1: bugzilla/nagios/dns1/sql/ldap/api/mail/mailling/pastebin/wiki/planet
> > John have working on updating planet on zarb.org, i guess he will be
> > able to transfer that.
> > 
> > No backup server ? No postfix ( primary and secondary ) ? No wiki ?
> > Would all web applications be hosted on the same server ( ie epoll,
> > transifex and other applications ? )
> "mail" is mentioned above which I presume to mean postfix. Shall we just
> decide now not to host any mail accounts (i.e. pop or imap) and only
> provide forwarding services or will we provide real accounts?

indeed. I think we should start small and give alias only.

> > We should have a secondary ldap. I would also add a ticket system which
> > is not bugzilla ( as infrastructure as a product would be weird ).
> Is it really worth adding a separate ticketing system for this?
> Integrating it with LDAP so people can report problems etc. etc. (or
> would you prefer an uber simple ticket system so that if someone wants
> to report that e.g. LDAP is broken, they'll be able to! :D

I would hope that 
1) nagios could detect when ldap is broken
2) user could contact us in case of problem without using ticket ( even
if we should not do it too often, cause this may be a mess )

Regarding a separate ticket, well, maybe we can find something that
could be best suited to our duty.

Ie, there is no version or release, nor plateform, nor source rpm or
specific data for the infrastructure.

Or more precisely, there is maybe specific adjustments to do that would
conflict with a bugzilla used for software, and packages. For example,
we can decide to have a field "server", that would not make sense. We
may also want to not interfere with packagers stats, or think like

But I am not sure, hence my question :)

> > And we may need somewhere to write the doc, if possible something that
> > can be used offline.
> Doc in git? Download it locally or view it live on web, plus update it
> easily? Just a thought.

Well, a doc in a vcs, along with configuration, yup.
Michael Scherer

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