[Mageia-sysadm] New hardware for mageia servers
Thomas Backlund
tmb at mageia.org
Sun Oct 2 21:26:28 CEST 2011
nicolas vigier skrev 1.10.2011 20:24:
> Hello,
> Here is a summary of all hardware that we should buy for next trip to
> Marseille datacenter.
> - An ARM build host. We have a pandaboard given by PLF, however it seems
> to require a specific old kernel to run, and would be difficult to use
> as a build host (at least for now). So we need to buy a new ARM board
> if we want to add ARM to the build system soon. RTP suggests buying this
> board from Freescale :
> http://fr.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Freescale-Semiconductor/MCIMX53-START/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMspbelMIdDJdKswmyqRD7aG
> 122,93 euros
I guess RTP knows best about arm, so no objections...
> - new disk to replace failing disks on ecosse and on valstar, and 2 new
> disks for build nodes (raid1 for system fs, raid0 for build filesystem
> for improved performances), and a disk for the ARM board :
> 2TB (valstar) + 1TB * 4 => 169.99 + 4 * 84.99 = 509.95 euros
> http://www.materiel.net/disque-dur-3-5-pouces/western-digital-re4-s-ata-2-to-64-mo-52965.html
> http://www.materiel.net/disque-dur-3-5-pouces/western-digital-re4-s-ata-1-to-64-mo-62975.html
> WD RE4 drives are more expensive than Caviar Black, but seems to be
> better if we want less disk failures.
Yep. the Raid Edition disks are very reliable.
I think we should even switch both disks on valstar as it's the most
important server we have.
> - backup server : we need a server with a lot of disk space, to save
> data from other servers. Fast CPU or a lot of ram is not needed on
> this server.
> dams suggested buying this server :
> http://configure.euro.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?oc=sv4r415&c=fr&l=fr&s=bsd&cs=frbsdt1&model_id=poweredge-r415
> 899 euros
> adding :
> * Redundant power supply (132 euros)
> * 4 * 1TB disks (4 * 332 euros)
> Total: 2 261 euros
So a max of ~3TB disk space (with raid5).
I'd also suggest a: iDRAC6 Express remote card for 67€
And then send theese specs as on offer request to a Dell sales
representative, as they can give better prices than the online configurator.
> So total is quite expensive. An other solution could be to buy a cheap
> computer that one of us keep at home/office, doing remote backups. Or
> maybe we can find someone to donate a server, so that we only need to
> buy disks for the server. Maybe we can ask for hardware donations for
> this server on mageia-dev and/or blog ?
Of course if someone want to donate a server, that would be nice too.
I can do remote backups as a (secondary) "offsite" backup if necessary.
> - server for packagers, to host VMs used to test package builds. This
> needs to be a fast server, with a lot of RAM. Should we buy an
> expensive server for this now ? Or wait until we have more money, or
> someone donate a server for this ? Or rent a server at 60 euros /
> month on online.net ?
> http://www.online.net/serveur-dedie/offre-dedibox-pro-r210.xhtml
I'd go for an own server if we have the cash (and if not ask for
contributions (hw/cash)....)
But one thing... How much rack space do we have available ?
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