[Mageia-webteam] Forum installation (almost) complete

Maât maat-ml at vilarem.net
Sat Feb 26 23:00:12 CET 2011

Le 23/02/2011 16:46, Michael Scherer a écrit :
> Le mardi 22 février 2011 à 13:42 +0100, Michael Scherer a écrit :
I started to check : ldap connexion is ok and forums seems to be up and nearly ready to run

we'll need recruited moderators to log in rather quickly so that we can put them in the right phpbb acl group

>> - There is likely missing write permissions ( I have started to lock
>> down and opened ./cache/, and it was sufficient to have something to
>> see )
> almost done, here is the list of what I have added :
> http://svnweb.mageia.org/adm/puppet/modules/phpbb/manifests/init.pp?r1=1177&r2=1181
phpbb-seo has got also a cache dir needing write perms

>> - As using .htaccess cause performance penalty, I have not enabled them,
>> but maybe part of them are required. In any case, we need to review them
>> and add them to the apache configuration if needed. IIRC, most are just
>> "do not go to this directory".
> Done, except the phpbb-seo stuff
> http://svnweb.mageia.org/adm/puppet/modules/phpbb/templates/forums_vhost.conf?r1=1165&r2=1180
Yup so all links are broken till we either activate rewirte rules or remove phpbb-seo

>> - ssl certs should be corrected ( as I discovered during the night ),
>> but that should be quick ( when I mean corrected, I speak of the wrong
>> host, not of the fact they are self signed ).
> Done.
I still need to check if forum can do both http and https without side effect

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