[Mageia-dev] [135989]

Florian Hubold doktor5000 at arcor.de
Tue Aug 30 15:47:42 CEST 2011

Am 30.08.2011 12:56, schrieb John Balcaen:
> 2011/8/29 Zé<mmodem00 at gmail.com>:
Guys, could you please chill down a bit?
Seems this whole problem is about miscommunication
and also about wrong attitude. Could you please discuss
this first in private one-on-one, and if this is not sufficient
then contact someone else to help you or in the worst
case, contact the Council if you don't get this conflict solved?

On topic: I think that John is the maintainer and does a pretty
good job at it. So he should have the last word, and if he can't
be convinced it's a good change than that's his decision.

But a good portion of the problem would be non-existent if
Zé would have discussed his proposals or issues with current
packaging/packagers BEFOREHAND, from what i understand.

Kind Regards

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