[Mageia-dev] KDE SC 4.7 RC1 landing on cauldron

Shlomi Fish shlomif at shlomifish.org
Sun Jul 3 18:12:45 CEST 2011

On Wed, 29 Jun 2011 04:59:20 -0300
John Balcaen <mikala at mageia.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm going to push today KDE SC 4.7 RC1 on cauldron.
> Most of packages are ready except in fact some kdebindings related one, but
> i'm quite busy so i'll (or someone else funda maybe  ) fix it later.
> Please note that KDEPIM SC 4.7 is now back in train so you might expect some
> problem :
> - it  is know akonadi based (so i guess Radu is going to check for another MUA
>  )
> - the migration can takes a lof of times ( here it takes 5 minutes for 2 DIMAP
> accounts however i had to wait 30 minutes before getting all my mails really
> available)
> - it's slower than kmail 1.x
> - it seems that kdepim translation are not included in current kde-l10n
> tarball

I found the KMail from the new KDEPIM unusable, and so switched to Claws-Mail.
Claws-Mail is not perfect, but at least it works, it is fast, and it is usable.
For some help with converting from KMail to it see:



	Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
What Makes Software Apps High Quality -  http://shlom.in/sw-quality

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