[Mageia-dev] kernel 3.0 is a big mistake in cauldron

Colin Guthrie mageia at colin.guthr.ie
Sat Jul 16 20:01:13 CEST 2011

'Twas brillig, and Radu-Cristian FOTESCU at 16/07/11 18:48 did gyre and
>> WTF? We do this quite regularly... the rc's have been pushed in
>> cooker and I'm pretty sure cauldron in the past. The fact that this
>> is 3.x.x rather 2.6.38 is pretty much a whim of numbering and
>> nothing specifically relating to anything "significant" or
>> similar.
>> And who cares if -latest is updated. Your old kernel is not removed
>> and TMB gave you forewarning about it.
>> This is really one of the lamest complaints ever!!!
> Notwithstanding that this is cauldron, not stable, it is _not_ like
> an update from to
> This is a _major_ kernel update, even if 3.0.0-rc7 is actually
> 2.6.40-rc7.

It is a major version update only in number, not in features. If it is
actually 2.6.40, then it is technically a "micro" update... (version
numbers are major.minor.micro... this is accepted terminology).

> As a matter of fact, while was a _very_ stable kernel, this
> one is _not_,

Perhaps not for you. It's working fine for me. That is a _very_
subjective statement without _any_ facts.

> The latest _stable_ kernel is, not this bloody  2.6.40-rc7,
> aka 3.0.0-rc7.

So? No one said this was a stable kernel anyway! This is a _development_
distro. You've got to expect this kind of thing. If you don't, you
shouldn't use it and you shouldn't be trolling our *development* mailing
lists with your requests for *stability*! (and regardless of what you
say about not calling "serious people" trolls, your behaviour is classic
troll behaviour and you have done nothing to present yourself as a
serious person other than just saying you are. This is something you
have to earn by your actions, not state and expect people to accept).

> And I don't remember of any "forewarning".

Then you obviously don't read the development list, nor read the list of
packages you are installing. This is therefore entirely your own fault.

> Also, even in Cauldron, shouldn't it have stayed for more time in
> testing?

Cauldron is for testing. That's the whole point of it? This is exactly
what's happening now. You are under a massive miscomprehension me thinks.

> Finally, when you upgrade a regular package (say, LibreOffice, which
> was recently updated) to a new version, it is extremely unlikely that
> you would update it to a Beta/RC one, even in Cauldron. Then why your
> standards are _lower_ when comes to the kernel -- the most important
> component of all?!?!?

RC and beta versions will hit cauldron frequently when the maintainer
feels it is the right thing to do. Perhaps the maintainer is an upstream
developer too and is using cauldron to get wider feedback (I'll be doing
this soon for PulseAudio for example). RC and even beta versions hit
cooker all the time and this isn't going to be any different here.
You're making statements with no basis in reality here.

> I am using Mageia because it's one of the best distros out there. I
> am using Cauldron because I need newer stuff -- and I'm also building
> some even newer packages every now and then, as I need them.

If you are using Cauldron, then you should expect this kind of thing. If
you don't want this, do not use cauldron. It's not a hard choice.

> But I don't trust _your_ judgment, folks, your inconsistent policies,
> your questionable common sense. As FLOSS developers, you're first of
> all full of pride, pride, and pride again. You're _always_ right --
> you're Gods, after all. Well, I'm an atheist then.

WTF? Jeeze I wish I hadn't spent time replying sensibly to the points
above when you sign off with such a blatant troll....



Colin Guthrie

Day Job:
  Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
Open Source:
  Mageia Contributor [http://www.mageia.org/]
  PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/]
  Trac Hacker [http://trac.edgewall.org/]

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