[Mageia-dev] Firefox requires

Ahmad Samir ahmadsamir3891 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 19:33:57 CET 2011

ATM firefox has:
Requires:      xulrunner >= %{xulrunner_version}%{?prel:-0.%prel}

this renders firefox unusable when xulrunner is updated, for example
*xulrunner* was updated to 2.0-0.b12, while firefox isn't available
yet on the mirrors (at the time when I updated my box). I think the
requires need to be tighter:
Requires:      xulrunner = %{xulrunner_version}%{?prel:-0.%prel}

so that firefox doesn't break on users' systems until new firefox
packages reach the mirrors.

If no one objects I'll change the requires tomorrow.

Ahmad Samir

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