[Mageia-dev] rehashing the faac issue

Wolfgang Bornath molch.b at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 4 18:22:37 CEST 2012

2012/10/4 Frank Griffin <ftg at roadrunner.com>:
> On 10/04/2012 11:29 AM, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
>> Still the trust on a software filter is not the same as the trust in a
>> visible separation. If you think there is no technical difference, this
>> discussion is not just on technical of the issue. If I go into an empty room
>> which is dark, everybody could tell me that the room is empty and I can't
>> hurt myself by falling over some furniture - still I'd prefer the lights on.
> You're correct, and one of the points I'm trying to make is that while it is
> reasonable to technically enable FOSS enthusiasts to install a FOSS-only
> system easily, it is not reasonable to make things difficult for everyone
> else simply to pander to FOSS political correctness.
> The same argument underlies the issue of an install process that caters to
> both free and nonfree via a switch versus one that allows no nonfree
> software on the install media or no nonfree repo to be considered by the
> installer.  In  both cases, a FOSS enthusiast can have what he wants, but
> I'm sure the enthusiast would be happier with the latter case, for all the
> non-technical reasons you mention, including that it makes it more difficult
> for others to do things of which he disapproves.
> If there's no technical difference between two approaches, we ought to pick
> the one that works best for the greatest part of the user base.

Yes, that's why I prefer the separation of free and non-free repos.
IMHO opinion it is easier to have non-free visually out of the way for
the FOSS enthousiasts and it's just one click (actually 2 including
non-free/updates) for the users who want it all.

Furthermore there is another reason to keep the repos separated: it is
Mageias written intention to support and advocate FOSS. Separating
non-free and FOSS is a visible demonstration of this intention. Mixing
both in the same repo is the opposite.


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