[Mageia-dev] new fonts?

David Walser luigiwalser at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 25 21:54:07 CEST 2012

Dimitri <mitya at ...> writes:
> The changes in default fonts might be related to recent
> fonts-ttf-liberation update. Since 2.00, this package ships fontconfig
> settings that by default substitute Liberation fonts for "sans-serif",
> "serif" and "mono" families. This is done
> by /etc/fonts/conf.d/59-liberation-*.conf files (in fact, just symlinks
> to /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/59-liberation-*.conf). I am too much
> accustomed to my usual font set, so I trashed those symlinks
> immediately :)

This topic came up in the packagers meeting.  It was stated that:
- the change was initiated by Thierry Vignaud (tv)
- the change was also done in Fedora

Of course, I wondered if it's only been done in Rawhide, if maybe nobody has
seen it to complain about it yet :o)

Anyway, it would be nice if a decision could be made on this before next week's
alpha 2, and I was asked to e-mail the list about this by Anne.

1) revert this change
2) someone put their foot down and decide we're sticking with this

If 2, it'd be nice to have an explanation of why that users could be pointed to,
as a lot of people have asked about this on IRC as well (and will continue to,
I imagine).  Also, if it's really that bothersome for some people, maybe it would
be good to have an easy way for users to change this locally.

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