[Mageia-discuss] home network using broadband router

WALKER RICHARD richard.j.walker at ntlworld.com
Sat Mar 10 17:57:06 CET 2012

" Is it possible you are mixing files from different Mandriva/Mageia versions?"

It's worth looking at. This was a fresh MGA1 install about a year ago,
and I have kept it up to date. I'll take a closer look at version
numbers later on, after I have fitted new brake pads to my car
(hopefully they'll be the type that don't make that metal-on-metal
grindy noise :-)


On 10/03/2012, imnotpc <imnotpc at rock3d.net> wrote:
> On 03/09/2012 09:53 PM, WALKER RICHARD wrote:
>> "You didn't answer my question about whether or not Smoothwall always
>> assigns the same IP to the server box. This is important since if it
>> doesn't then every time the server restarts the network interface you
>> are taking a chance it will get assigned a different IP and break the
>> client fstab entries."
>> Sorry, that was in the first reply which disappeared in a flash of
>> accidentally highlighted text. I have taken no particular steps to
>> influence Smoothwall's DHCP address allocation other than to limit the
>> dynamic addresses to the range from 100 to 127. By observation, over
>> the last ten years or so, the same interfaces tend to get the same
>> addresses, though it may also depend on which machine hosts the boot
>> disc I am preparing. The maximum lease time is 2 hours, but I doubt if
>> that has much to do with it. Maybe I'm just lucky; I cannot remember
>> the last time I noticed an address change.
> I don't use dhcp except for wireless but I think most dhcp implentations
> generally use the same IPs over again, you just can't rely on it. Static
> IPs also allow for specialized firewall and routing configurations, but
> if it works and you're happy with the configuration I wouldn't worry
> about it.
>> "Has this configuration ever worked correctly? The exports file looks
>> fine but IIRC the fstab entry should match the exports file path, i.e.
>> it should be: /mnt/Videos ...."
>> Sorry again, perhaps I should have made these entries look "more
>> normal". Because the boot disc which provided the MGA1 and 2010.2
>> environments on this box has been used for a lot of testing of
>> upgrades and 32/64 bit environments I use a system of hidden home
>> directories and boot-time generated symlinks to match my home
>> directories to my current user name. In recent times I have noticed
>> that applications may sometimes unexpectedly use the real directory
>> name and sometimes as expected the name of the symlink. I have long
>> since stopped worrying about how to fix this "problem"; it looks
>> stupid but it still works.
> It is a bit unusual but I don't think this is your problem, and again,
> if it ain't broken...
>> So the answer is yes, this always works as expected. I have only been
>> able to make if fail reliably (:-) in Mageia 1 with an unmodified port
>> parameter for rpc.mountd. As noted above I have also completed a test
>> under Mageia 2 (using a different boot disc on the same box) and it
>> works perfectly - no need to hack /etc/sysconfig/nfs-server.
>> I'm off to bed now - long journey in the morning. Here is the report
>> from the MGA2 system which is working just fine. I'll try to get the
>> same info for the broken MGA1 setup tomorrow.
>> [root at Tureen rich]# systemctl status nfs-server.service
>> nfs-server.service - LSB: Kernel NFS server support
>> 	  Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs-server)
>> 	  Active: active (running) since Sat, 10 Mar 2012 02:43:32 +0000; 4min
>> 52s ago
>> 	 Process: 1540 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs-server start
>> (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
>> 	  CGroup: name=systemd:/system/nfs-server.service
>> 		  └ 1645 rpc.mountd --port 4003
> You mentioned in an earlier post that the mga1 box worked once after you
> commented out the RPCMOUNTD_OPTIONS="--port 4003" option in
> /etc/sysconfig/nfs-server. I just checked the mga1 test server I set up
> yesterday and this option isn't set at all. Is it possible you are
> mixing files from different Mandriva/Mageia versions? Perhaps try
> un-installing nfs-utils and deleting all it's config files and start
> again with a clean package install.

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