[Mageia-i18n] Blog translations and overall status of the i18n section

You-Cheng Hsieh yochenhsieh at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 10:38:11 CET 2011

2011/3/17 Wolfgang Bornath <molch.b at googlemail.com>:
> 2011/3/16 Marek Laane <bald at smail.ee>:
>> Well, I'm not sure what kind of information is required...  [....] but sad
>> fact is also that Mandriva is and probably Mageia will be not very widely
>> used, so there is no big community and even fewer activists.
> Would you believe that these 2 points are related? If there were more
> information about Mageia, about its activities and progress, then may
> be there will be more people interested. How would you find people
> knowing about Mageia if you don't talk about it in their language?
> When you think that this is not necessary, why would a localisation be
> necessary? Both parts are "walking hand in hand" - tell the people
> about it in their language and then present the product in their
> language.
> IMHO this is the essence of communication and marketing (or, if you
> want: spreading).
> --
> wobo

I'm one of the Traditional Chinese team, in fact we have 3 people who
constantly watch blogs and mailing lists, translate and summary news
to our google group here:
If you search 'mageia' for zh-TW pages, I believe it's listed just
below official site pages which are also translated by us.

The reason we cannot translate blogs is, it will take days for us to
translate a blog article into Traditonal Chinese and qualify its
content so it can be readible, and not all of us are available to
translate it at the same time. By the time we can publish a fully
translated blog article, it's not a news anymore.

We choose the best way for local Taiwanese community to spread Mageia,
while we can afford it with our real life. In the mean time, Mageia is
still in alpha stage, and it does not fully support Traditional
Chinese yet - no input method available[1]. We will keep watching the
development progress and provide any possible asistance necessary to
make Mageia a friendly product for Traditional Chinese users when the
official stable release is out.


You-Cheng Hsieh


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