[Mageia-marketing] Plan - stuff to do pre Beta 1 release

Patricia Fraser trish at thefrasers.org
Mon Apr 4 22:08:23 CEST 2011

Hi all,

Two things to be written - the release announcement, and the wrapper
words for the testing day procedure (to make a testing day

Help welcome!

Testing day is Friday/Saturday (08/09-04-11), and we want to announce
it on release day (tomorrow) and propagate the announcement widely.

Comms plan: release announcement/testing day announcement

What: release (alpha, beta or otherwise)

Who to: Mageia community
	Open source communities
	wider community

How:	Mageia blog
	other tech news sites
	Mageia lists - ask list members to forward it to their
communities (any we've missed) and i18n team, propagate in their
languages please

Content:  what's being released
	  what's new
	  where to go to get it
	  welcome to new users
	  encourage new makers / contributors
	  about Mageia

Extra for testing day:
	damsweb's testing procedure
	inside marcomm wrapper

Time to write: marcomm bit, ready by 05-04-11
		testing wrapper, soon as I see damsweb's doc


Trish Fraser, JD9R RQ2D
ma apr  4 22:05:27 CEST 2011
GNU/Linux 1997-2010 #283226 counter.li.org
andromeda up 4 hour(s), 8 min.
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