[Mageia-dev] Anybody having high CPU by kded4 after upgrading to 4.6.90?

Wolfgang Bornath molch.b at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 4 13:51:40 CEST 2011

2011/7/4 Radu-Cristian FOTESCU <beranger5ca at yahoo.ca>:
> ________________________________
> Not so fast! :(
> It's nice that you are happy. But since last updates my windows do not
> have any decorations (no border, no title bar, no chance to
> close/minimize/maximize), konsole window does not get focus at all,
> after reboot I see all decorations for a split second, then they
> vanish from the screen, only the windows stay. Then after 10 seconds
> the complete task bar of KDE vanishes, such keybindings like Alt+F2 or
> Ctrl+TAB do not work at all, etc.
> Total failure at the moment. xsession_errors shows lots of errors, I
> can not distinguish which is related.
> OUCH! wobo, the gods don't love you!
> However, by no means can this be related to ntrack!
> I have never encountered such a syndrome in KDE4, only in XFCE, but this
> can't be related.
> Using a different user acct helps or it doesn't help?
> R-C aka beranger

Yes, trying with xguest (the first I did after experiencing the
problem) showed normal behavior.
Then I moved the complete ~/.kde4 to a backup place and restarted with
my normal user - back to the problem! :(
I will create a new normal user and then compare ~/home entries.

Oh! I just saw that the taskbar is not gone, it is hidden! When I move
the mouse to the places where the menue and other standard items are
located I can click and use these icons!
Next: I suddenly get a message about Nepomuk and after that the
taskbar is visible again! But no window borders nor decorations!

This is weird - I'll come back after I created a new user.


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