[Mageia-dev] Litotas Desktop, a new Linux Desktop Environment (currently under Development)

Daniel Kreuter danielkreuter at litotas.org
Wed Mar 9 11:33:03 CET 2011

Hello Mageia Team,

i've started work on a new Linux desktop, which primary goal will be to 
be as easy to use as possible.

Here a quote of my post on linuxquestions.org about my ideas of the desktop:
"My first thinking is, to have a panel at the top which will look a 
little bit like the one of Gnome3, but without the activities and a full 
integration of the User-panel with the working chat client. For the 
notifications of programs I want to implement a little tray-icon like 
it's used in the kde4.5 desktop.
At the bottom will be a macintosh like Panel where the user can place 
his favorite programs and where a menu will be placed in.
The primary goal of this desktop will be ease of use. The normal user 
will just get a few possibilities to customize his desktop (as it is the 
strategy of the Gnome-project) but with an option to get a full list of 
options available for the advanced user."

What's already done? I've started work on the top panel. A clock in the 
middle with a calendar under it when a user clicks on the clock is 
implemented. On the right side is a user menu from where the user can 
reach the preferences of the system and where he will be able to close 
his session or shutdown/restart the computer. It's just the work of 2 
days for now, so there doesn't work much at the moment.
What's missing in the top panel is a notification plugin and the system 

But why am I writing to your mailing list? I think that maybe someone of 
you may be interested in helping me in finding new ideas or in 
programming (c++ and qt4).

At the moment I've planed to use Openbox as window manager.

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