[Mageia-dev] Python packaging policy

Guillaume Rousse guillomovitch at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 09:28:10 CET 2012

Le 13/12/2012 09:00, Shlomi Fish a écrit :
>> * Also for grouping.  I'd like to add a rule that Development/Python
>> is intended for packages
>> which provide general development libraries for python, and if the
>> library fits into an obvious
>> other category (i.e. python routines for cosmology calculations) those
>> should go into the
>> other category.
What is the interest ? The only usage of rpm group is in package 
installation GUI, mostly used by end-users. They don't care of 
development bricks, they are generally interested by ready-to-user 
software (applications) only.

Don't throw useless effort in sorting python libraries about their 
purpose, their nature is enough.

BOFH excuse #253:

We've run out of licenses

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