[Mageia-dev] Bash Update revoked customized configuration

Shlomi Fish shlomif at shlomifish.org
Wed Oct 24 16:31:07 CEST 2012

Hi Johnny,

On Tue, 23 Oct 2012 16:55:49 +0100
"Johnny A. Solbu" <cooker at solbu.net> wrote:

> Hi.
> The first thing I do on every Mandriva/Mageia installation is to remove many
> of the aliases defined in «/etc/profile.d/60alias.sh». I always remove every
> instance of «rm/cp/mv -i», every instance of «cd» aliases, and some of the
> «ls» aliases. I do this plainly because these aliases Really Do Annoy me! I
> don't care for other users on my system. If they really want these aliases,
> they can create them them selves.
> Last night I did an rsync of my local mirror and updated one of my mageia
> systems, only to find that a bash update have reinstalled the Default
> 60alias.sh.
> Is it possible to configure the system so it under no circumstances
> automatically overwrite files I've reconfigured? And, why isn't the files in
> «/etc/profile.d/» marked as «%config(noreplace)» ?

If you're looking for a more permanent solution than one that will involve
changing the system-installed files, then you can either put various unalias
commands in ~/.bashrc or alternatively create a 99my_customizations.sh file
with them.


	Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Best Introductory Programming Language - http://shlom.in/intro-lang

*shlomif:* hack, hack, hack ; save ; make ; make test; commit. And start over.

*mrjink:* hack, hack, hack; save; make; swear; fix typos; save; make; make
test; swear some more; hack some more; save; make; make test; cheer; commit.

*meep:* hack, make, test, segfault, oh noes, revert to previous revision

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