[Mageia-dev] Packages not updating?

Anne Wilson annew at kde.org
Tue Oct 30 13:17:58 CET 2012

On 29/10/2012 20:01, AL13N wrote:
> Op maandag 29 oktober 2012 19:52:47 schreef Anne Wilson:
>> Earlier today I did a big update on Cauldron.  Since then my wireless
>> connection has not been working.  I started to gather information to
>> report this, but when I asked MCC for hardware detection I was
>> immediately told that broadcom-wl-kernel and two other packages (one
>> was broadcom-wl-kernel-netbook, I think) needed installing.
>> Have I missed doing something, or should they have been picked up in
>> the usual way?
>> Anne
> i saw your previous email too (gmail not showing your own messages is a bitch)
Sorry about that.  I'm subscribed with this address, and once I realised
I'd sent it from the gmail address I re-sent, thinking that the mod
queue would just drop it or I would get a mod warning and I could cancel it.

> i think it's normal, it could be just between syncs that you updated, and it 
> could also be that repository problem that seems to have happened...
> i just think that instead of MCC, if you done an update then, that it would 
> have had the same effect.
I used urpmi --auto-update.  I'm not sure what has broken, or why.
While I'm using the netbook at home to test Cauldron it's not too big an
issue.  I reported it in the hope that I can help debug the problem.


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