[Mageia-discuss] Linux is a KERNEL not an OS
Richard Couture
rrc at linuxcabal.org
Wed Mar 2 16:18:04 CET 2011
How about
Mageia - A F/OSS distro based on GNU & Linux
On 03/02/2011 09:14 AM, Richard Couture wrote:
> >> I would propose that if you wish to do it right, to first do it
> right from
> >> a mageia point of view. IE, that you should first post
> >> on the proper ml ( ie one dedicated to web, or marketing, I would
> start by
> >> marcom ). [...]
> Which is the proper ML. I thought that this one was a general purpose
> list. Sorry about the off topic... If you can point me in the proper
> direction ....
> >> Second, if you really want to do it right, you should IMHO start with a
> >> patch, [...]
> If and when a change is deemed to be in order I would be most pleased to
> volunteer to rewrite the Web pages in accordance with the agreed upon specs
> > As a side note:
> > I met RMS when he held a speech in Frankfurt. He told me that he will
> > not visit Linuxtag (nor reply to an invitation for a key note) until
> > they change the event's name to "GNU/Linuxtag". I mention this to show
> > his commitment about this point.
> If we choose to refer to the whole shooting match by the name of Linux
> without mention of GNU we will forfeit any and all positive
> acknowledgment of the FSF.
> Richard
LinuxCabal Asociación Civil
Ing. Richard Couture
HP/Compaq ASE
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