[Mageia-discuss] [Mageia-dev] [ANN] Power outage at Marseille DC, servers impact

Michael Scherer misc at zarb.org
Sat May 28 11:55:22 CEST 2011

Le samedi 28 mai 2011 à 10:54 +0200, Michael Scherer a écrit :
> Hi,
> as some people may have seen, we suffered from a severe outage
> yesterday, around 00h05 CET time. It seems that a electrical problem
> stopped some servers at the Lost Oasis datacenter, with the net effect
> of stopping valstar, alamut, jonund and ecosse, as well as the virtual
> machine running on them ( friteuse_tmp ). It also impacted all servers
> of zarb.org, especially ryu, that still provides supports for some
> services ( like www, mailling list, secondary dns, smtp, etc ).
> Perenoel, from LO, went to the building to take care of the issue and so
> our servers got power and likely restarted.

So I received more information. The problem was solved around 0h20, and
then, Lot Oasis people worked all night to fix servers ( as there is
several customers there, as well as their own servers, and those of
numerous group ( zarb.org, tuxfamilly.org, globenet, ffii.org, etc ). 

Perenoel told me that he will take care of valstar this afternoon, and
according to damien, that's just pushing one key of the keyboard as the
bios is buggy. We are preparing a blog post to explain this ( basically
a corrected version of this mail )

> I am looking to find someone to fix everything ( ie, start valstar ),
> and will send a email later when stuff are back. No ETA at the moment.

So far, there is no impact on release date if server is back quite fast.
We will again see if the situation change.

Do not also hesitate to direct people to my previous mail if they have
question. I didn't want to sent a copy everywhere, but I also do not
want people to feel forgotten because we didn't warn them.
Michael Scherer

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