[Mageia-discuss] [Mageia-dev] [ANN] Power outage at Marseille DC, servers impact

Anne nicolas ennael at mageia.org
Sat May 28 12:16:30 CEST 2011

2011/5/28 Michael Scherer <misc at zarb.org>:
> Le samedi 28 mai 2011 à 10:54 +0200, Michael Scherer a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> as some people may have seen, we suffered from a severe outage
>> yesterday, around 00h05 CET time. It seems that a electrical problem
>> stopped some servers at the Lost Oasis datacenter, with the net effect
>> of stopping valstar, alamut, jonund and ecosse, as well as the virtual
>> machine running on them ( friteuse_tmp ). It also impacted all servers
>> of zarb.org, especially ryu, that still provides supports for some
>> services ( like www, mailling list, secondary dns, smtp, etc ).
>> Perenoel, from LO, went to the building to take care of the issue and so
>> our servers got power and likely restarted.
> So I received more information. The problem was solved around 0h20, and
> then, Lot Oasis people worked all night to fix servers ( as there is
> several customers there, as well as their own servers, and those of
> numerous group ( zarb.org, tuxfamilly.org, globenet, ffii.org, etc ).
> Perenoel told me that he will take care of valstar this afternoon, and
> according to damien, that's just pushing one key of the keyboard as the
> bios is buggy. We are preparing a blog post to explain this ( basically
> a corrected version of this mail )
>> I am looking to find someone to fix everything ( ie, start valstar ),
>> and will send a email later when stuff are back. No ETA at the moment.
> So far, there is no impact on release date if server is back quite fast.
> We will again see if the situation change.
> Do not also hesitate to direct people to my previous mail if they have
> question. I didn't want to sent a copy everywhere, but I also do not
> want people to feel forgotten because we didn't warn them.

blog post

> --
> Michael Scherer


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