[Mageia-discuss] I'd like to start to discuss the possibility of having one language per iso when it comes to full DVD-versions, similar to the Live-versions.

Wolfgang Bornath molch.b at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 14 07:51:40 CEST 2011

2011/9/14 Kristoffer Grundström <kristoffer.grundstrom1983 at gmail.com>:
> Hi!
> A long time have I wondered why a Swedish man/woman would want to have more
> languages on his/her iso to install just Swedish as language.
> I'm therefor opening a discussion to perhaps solve this little proposal that
> I've got.
> Look at the Live-iso's that we have to offer, they come with 16 languages
> each.
> Lets think for a second that a user doesn't want to install a Live-system &
> to use a large iso with unnessecary languages is out of question.
> How does he/she solve it to install Mageia?
> My idea is that we transform the full-DVD iso to one-language only, but more
> iso's in the end.
> Like this:
> mageia-dvd-1-i586.iso in a language-dir under
> ftp://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/mageia/iso/1/
> The result is that you shrink the DVD much & you can add other stuff that
> doesn't fit in the ordinary DVD's for some reason.......perhaps add more
> drivers.
> I got my idea from looking in the Mozilla-way of showing people how to find
> their language-version of Firefox, Thunderbird etc.....
> Don't get me wrong about this....... I really really really REEEEEEAALLY
> love Mageia & I intend to continue using it for all future, but I just
> wanted to make a proposition that makes the choice of iso much easier.
> Please think about it & discuss the pro's & con's.

I can only agree to the various points all the other posters already wrote.
As one of the mirror maintainers I can assure you, I'd ask Mageia what
they smoked lately if they came around with such a release.
As one of the iso testers before release I would ask how many people
you can round-up to do the final testing of all those isos.
Have you asked those who compile the isos and upload them about how
much extra work this would mean?

Although I understand the reason for such an idea I also understand
that it is a no-go for various reasons.


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