[Mageia-discuss] Setting up NFS shares with MCC -- fixing etc/fstab

Marc Paré marc at marcpare.com
Thu Oct 20 04:49:29 CEST 2011

Le 2011-10-19 22:37, Marc Paré a écrit :
> Le 2011-10-19 16:33, David W. Hodgins a écrit :
>> On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 15:16:52 -0400, Marc Paré
>> <marc at marcpare.com> wrote:
>>> Le 2011-10-19 14:29, KevinO a écrit :
>>>> I think there is a graphical tool in mcc to enter the names and IP
>>>> addresses of
>>>> hosts. If so, use that. (I don't have time right now to boot my
>>>> laptop and look)
>>> I will take a look or, if someone could point me to it, this would be
>>> great.
>> The program drakhosts is accessible through mcc under Network & Internet,
>> Other, as Hosts definitions.
>> Regards, Dave Hodgins
> Thanks for the note Dave. I'll give it a whirl.
> Cheers,
> Marc
Oops, just to add, when I bring up drakhosts, it shows the following:

IP address:
Host name: localhost.localdomain
Host Aliases: localhost

Which one would I change to "Marc's Computer" -- I am assuming "Host 
Aliases" is the one to change? If I do make this change, will this 
affect any of my software? Are there any repercussions to changing Host 
Aliases from the point of view of Magia, will it affect the way it works?

If this is the solution, would it make sense to ask users to name their 
machine at the installation point? Then setting up shares would be ready 
to go?



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