[Mageia-discuss] [Poll] What are your top requirements?

Wolfgang Bornath molch.b at googlemail.com
Sun Jan 29 17:46:53 CET 2012

2012/1/29 Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>:
> On Sun, 29 Jan 2012 16:37:18 +0100
> Oliver Burger <oliver.bgr at googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>> 2012/1/29 Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>:
>> > Well this is becoming quite sterile. I don't know how you can claim to
>> > represent (let alone "decide") "how [we] users function" better than
>> > anybody else. Unless you are the only user, of course :-)
>> You are able to read your own sentences? And you do understand them?
>> After all it was you who claimed to know, how others function, not me,
>> I cite you:
>> "Well, what I'm saying is that "top requirements" is not how I function,
>> and I don't think it's how most users function either."
> Wow...
> Surely you noticed the words "I don't *think* it's how *most* users",
> and how it doesn't mean that I claim to have that definitive knowledge
> you're talking about?

In my English you say "I understand how users function and I don't
think this is the way.", but of course English is not my native
language and it may be you wanted to say something different.

> But more baffling is how you chose to attack that one sentence instead
> of addressing the other remarks I made (including in the very message
> you're responding to).

IMHO Oliver is free to decide what he comments on and what not. Could
be that he is not interested to enter this discussion, could be that
he has a different opinon than you but does not waste his time, could

> I gave feedback as a mere user when *asked* to give
> feedback.

No, you were invited to give feedback by participating in the poll.
Probably you did that as well, I don't know, but here you did not give
feedback to the topic, you commented on the poll and the options -
which is certainly ok by me. But it's something else.

As I already wrote, to me it makes no sense to continue this discussion.


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