[Mageia-discuss] Pronunciation

Wolfgang Bornath molch.b at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 21 09:39:07 CET 2012

2012/2/20 Dimitrios Glentadakis <dglent at gmail.com>:
> Le 20 févr. 2012 18:20, "Wolfgang Bornath" <molch.b at googlemail.com> a
> écrit :
>> 2012/2/20 Dimitrios Glentadakis <dglent at gmail.com>:
>> > In Greek there is only one way to pronounce the word mageia (μαγεία) =
>> > ma y
>> > i a , the y like the w in weather, and the accent at the i :
>> > http://fr.forvo.com/word/%ce%bc%ce%b1%ce%b3%ce%b5%ce%af%ce%b1/
>> Yes, that's one of the 3 ways I've been told by native greek speakers :)
>> --
>> wobo
> In greek there is only one pronunciation and not 3 either 2, but only one.
> If someone told you another pronunciation for the word mageia in greek, he
> is not greek or it is not his native language. It is not even a case that we
> can say for example that in the north of greece they say it in one way and
> in the south of greece in another way. It is a word that its letters cant be
> saying in another way but only in 1 way. If you change one thing of its
> pronunciation is like if you say the word computer in english : compoter or
> cimputer or campetor... etc, no sense at all

Of course what you say makes sense. But still I had that experience
1. from a greek Mageia friend at Fosdem 2011 :)
2. from a greek cook in Berlin
3. from a greek neighbor who imigrated in Germany only 4 months ago.

All 3 are of greek origin, all 3 speak greek as mother tongue. And all
3 told me different pronounciation.

But anyhow, I agree to the importance of usage rather than pronouncing it :)


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