[Mageia-webteam] checklist of web services/issues for alpha 1

Michael Scherer misc at zarb.org
Fri Feb 11 19:50:59 CET 2011

 On Fri, 11 Feb 2011 18:21:57 +0100, Romain d'Alverny wrote:
> Hi there,
> just to lay down a few cross-apps/server issues, related to alpha 1
> release reception by the public.
>  * having a public forum setup (nice to have, but not mandatory yet)
> => maat is working on it
>  * having a bugzilla setup; needs:
>    - RPM field thing fixed => stormi, dmorgan, other?

 mhh ? I didn't followed closely, what is the problem ?

>    - SSL certificate (self-signed for a start) => sysadmin?

 IMHO, it would be better to send sysadmin requests on the sysadmin ml,
 as not all are subscribed on this ml.

 Anyway, I will take this one for tomorow.

>    - ability to easily register/use a Mageia account => 
> identity.mageia.org
>  * identity.mageia.org; needs:
>    - password reset process in production (it is on -trunk for now)
> => blingme?

 I do not think it is needed to the point that everything should be 
 because of this.

 So I do plan to announce ml for i18n ( 2 months after creating them and 
 working a complete week
 to have it ready ASAP ), and that include instructions for people to 
 use current identity next week,
 no matter the state of catdap password reset process.

>  * having the download page setup (must have, in the works right now:
> dams, obgr and me)

 Since the release is intended for developper, I would not consider this 
 as critical.

 If someone is not able to find where to download using 
 http://mirrors.mageia.org or using link given
 in the announce, I fear that this will not be able to do much with the 
 iso ( the one I tested
 didn't startgnome by itself.. ).

 We should not put too much pressure on this, especially on the last 

>  * having the mirrors list up to date (nice to have, we'll use the
> rough list of mirrors we manually know for now)

 Well, the list on mirrors.mageia.org is up to date by definition, this 
 is the canonical
 and reference one. Sure, the design is not user friendly, but see 
 previous remark.

 Michael Scherer

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